Core concepts
Connections are the link between a Notion database and an Excel table. When you create a connection in SyncExcel, you’re creating a recurring sync. Every time the sync runs, your data will be synced according to your sync direction settings.
See Create a connection and Delete a connection for more information.
Sync directions
Sync directions dictate how your data should flow, from source to destination. When creating a connection, you specify the sync direction per column in your Notion database.
When it’s time for your data to be synced, we sync data in the directions specified by the column sync direction:
- Notion -> Excel: take values from Notion database property and send to Excel table column
- Excel -> Notion: take values from Excel table column and send to Notion database property
If you’re using formulas in a column in Excel, and have a sync direction of Excel -> Notion, we send the result of the formula to Notion.
For properties that can't be edited via the Notion API, we ensure only a sync direction of Notion -> Excel can be selected. These properties include:
- Created by
- Created time
- Formula
- Last edited by
- Last edited time
- Unique ID
The Button property can't be read or edited via the Notion API, and as such, SyncExcel can't sync a Button property in either direction.
Synced rows
Where connections represent the link between a Notion database and an Excel table, synced rows are the mapping between a Notion database row and an Excel table row.
You’ll notice a Page ID column present in the connected Excel table. We use this Page ID column to link each Notion database row to a row in Excel.
SyncExcel requires the Page ID column to sync your data, please don't delete it.
Page creation and deletion
Using SyncExcel, you can create or delete pages in your Notion database from Excel. You can also create or delete Excel rows from your Notion database.
This lets you create or delete new rows in your tool of choice, and know that it will be synced over without having to copy-paste.
Page creation and deletion is synced in both directions. If you delete a row in Notion, the corresponding row will be deleted in Excel. If you delete a row in Excel, the corresponding row will also be deleted in Notion.
When creating a page, we ignore sync directions, and sync all information in the new row over. After the page has been created, normal sync direction rules apply.
See Create a page and Delete a page to learn more.