Using SyncExcel

Create a connection

See Quickstart for instructions on creating a connection.

Delete a connection

To delete a connection, click the ellipsis button for the connection in the dashboard, then click Delete Connection.

Image showing how to delete a connection

Create a page

To create a Notion page from your connected Excel table:

  1. Add a new row to your connected Excel table
  2. In the Page ID column of this row, type new.
  3. A new page will be created in the connected Notion database during the next sync cycle

To create an Excel table row from connected Notion database:

  1. Add a new row to your connected Notion database.
  2. A new table row will be created in the connected Excel table during the next sync cycle

Delete a page

To delete a Notion page from your connected Excel table:

  1. Delete a table row in your connected Excel table
  2. The corresponding page/database row will be deleted from your Notion database during the next sync cycle.

To delete an Excel table row from your connected Notion database:

  1. Delete a page/database row from your connected Notion database.
  2. The corresponding table row will be deleted from your Excel table during the next sync cycle.